A work-in-progress texture overhaul mod, this project revamps all the terrain textures in the world of Fallout 4, which creator Printerkop calls "bland and washed out" despite the amazing look of the game otherwise. Commonwealth HQ Landscape Overhaul This is more in line with what we covered last week, but with the amount of graphical improvement mods for games like this, it's hard not to look. You can download the Raider Dog and Tonka on NexusMods. Someone actually delivered and named the mod after Tonka, too. They requested a cleaned up version of the model to use in-game, so they could have their dog with them in the game even after he's passed. Recently a Redditor noticed that the dog model used in this mod looked similar to their own dog, Tonka, who is now terminally ill. Good for people who like to change things up, but there's actually a sad and heartwarming story attached to this one, too. Raider Dogmeat This is another simple character model replacement, swapping Dogmeat with the skin of a raider dog, from Despy.

Find a download link and installation instructions on NexusMods. According to the creator, it only works on male character models now, but there will be an update soon to apply it to all character models. This simple mod from Devon Hartman changes your character model into a synth.