Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations will be given the (trade) stamp of approval for download from digital portals in Q2 2014. With several new possible ways to direct the wealth of the world into an empire's coffers, Wealth of Nations will serve the needs of every gamer's inner plutocrat.Ĭold hard cash is king, may the richest empire win. Wealth of Nations will bring several new features to the game, focusing on trade, including the ability to secretly provoke trade conflicts, hire pirates to steal goods from your competitors, establish the East India Company and create a bustling trade capital for your nation. STOCKHOLM - JanuParadox Interactive, a publisher of games that practices fair trade, and Paradox Development Studio today announced Wealth of Nations, the second expansion to Europa Universalis IV, the award-winning empire building game for Windows, Mac, and Linux. New Expansion Adds Privateers, Trade Conflicts and